10 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Entrepreneur

1. Derek Sivers ( @sivers)

"Derek Sivers is one of my absolute favorite business minds. He grew CD Baby with a very unique mindset and it shows in the rest of his work. His tweets and blog posts are insightful, interesting and fresh." — Patrick Conley, Automation Heroes

2. James Altucher ( @jaltucher)

"James Altucher's honest approach to his Twitter feed is a welcome break from the stream of promotions and hollow messages I often read through every day." — Rob Fulton, AudioLumin

3. Hiten Shah ( @hnshah)

"Hiten is a really knowledgable entrepreneur, posts great content and will engage in a thoughtful conversation. Every tech entrepreneur should follow him!" — Jeff Epstein, Ambassador

4. Boyd Tinsley ( @bt_dmb)

"Any entrepreneur should take a look at Boyd Tinsley's Twitter account to learn how they can use Twitter to develop a personal brand by interacting with an online community." — Brett Farmiloe, Marketing Auditors

5. Rob Delaney ( @robdelaney)

"All entrepreneurs should have some comic relief throughout the day. And trust me, this guy is as funny as it gets on Twitter." — Logan Lenz, Endagon

6. Andrew Chen ( @andrewchen)

"Andrew Chen is someone who repeatedly adds value with his blog posts. I follow him on Twitter and receive his email updates. He not only zeros in on what matters most for businesses in the mobile and web arena, but also provides practical insights and case studies you can apply to your own startup." — Mary Ray, MyHealthTeams

7. Marissa Mayer ( @marissamayer) 

"Certainly Marissa Mayer, current CEO of Yahoo!, is one influential woman everyone should follow. With a Net worth of $300 million, the former Google executive has the immense responsibility of bringing Yahoo! back into the market.

8. The Kauffman Foundation ( @KauffmanFDN)

Without a doubt @KauffmanFDN is a must follow on twitter. The Kauffman Foundation is the largest private foundation in the United States with an asset base of approximately $2 billion. They focus entrepreneurship and education.

9. Chris Ducker ( @chrisducker)

"Chris has a refreshing perspective on business. Instead of focusing on putting in more hours, Ducker helps entrepreneurs leverage their time and talent to get more done in less time.

10. Nadeem Ali ( @nadeemalipro)

"All entrepreneurs should have some comic relief throughout the day. And trust me, this guy is as funny as it gets on Twitter."

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