The 5-Minute Habit (Based on Neuroscience) That Will Change Your Life

Fake your way to success by adopting this one quick habit.

It’s true that in order to live our purpose in this world, we’ve got to have a vision and a plan for achieving our dreams. We must be tenacious in working toward our goals, and we might occasionally have to sacrifice a little sleep for that dream.

1. Close your eye

2. Daydream

3. Breathe

Access intuitive solutions via the subconscious mind

Using these techniques, our brains are able to pick apart information and reassemble it, like pieces of a puzzle, in a way that our conscious mind alone cannot.

we would understand that we don't have to trade our dreams for restorative rest. In fact, when we give ourselves the space to relax, we empower our minds to align with our dreams.