Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Launching Test Of Rival Social Network

Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Launching Test Of Rival Social Network

Elon Musk, but Twitter founder Jack Dorsey is about to launch a public test version of a new social media app.

Elon Musk, but Twitter founder Jack Dorsey is about to launch a public test version of a new social media app.

Musk plunked down $44 billion to buy Twitter

Musk plunked down $44 billion to buy Twitter

It already has a waiting list of users waiting to try out the app’s beta version.

It already has a waiting list of users waiting to try out the app’s beta version.

It’s not yet clear what Blueksky will eventually look like 

It’s not yet clear what Blueksky will eventually look like 

Bluesky’s “AT Protocol” is being touted as the critical element of a revolutionary

Musk quickly repeated that he doesn’t support lifetime Twitter bans

Musk quickly repeated that he doesn’t support lifetime Twitter bans

Twitter now that Musk is in charge.

Twitter now that Musk is in charge.